CompTIA Linux+

Exam Time: 90 minutes
Number of questions:
Exam Type:
Multiple choice and performance-based questions
Pass Mark:
720 out of 900 points

CompTIA Linux+

The new CompTIA Linux+ is geared to teach the learner who will use Linux to manage everything from cars and smartphones to servers and supercomputers, as a vast number of enterprises use Linux in cloud, cybersecurity, mobile and web administration applications.

In the new CompTIA Linux+, candidates are only required to pass one exam for certification. CompTIA Linux+ covers how Linux powers the cloud and automates critical processes.

Linux enables business to automate and orchestrate processes to scale and improve operations. These include infrastructure as code and containers, both of which are covered as separate objectives.

The following new subject areas have been added to the new exam.

Emerging technology clusters:
Containerization of systems running Linux systems
Developers using Linux for IoT applications.
Automation and scripting
Ansible, Chef, Puppet
Automation via SSH
Docker and Kubernetes
Areas of continued broad involvement include the following:

Areas with net increasing time and resources devoted to specific tasks include:

Cloud configuration and management
Supporting and administration of SaaS applicationsPopular Job Roles
Linux Administrator
Junior Network Administrator
Systems Administrator
Web Administrator/Developer
Linux Engineer
Junior Cloud Engineer
Technical Support Specialist

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