CompTIA Network+ N10 008

Exam Time: 90 minutes
Number of questions:
Exam Type:
Multiple choice and performance-based questions
Pass Mark:
720 out of 900 points

CompTIA Network+ N10 008

The CompTIA Network+ certification is a worldwide recognised qualification that validates the skills of networking professionals. The qualification recognises a technician's ability to describe the features and functions of network components and to manage, maintain, troubleshoot, install, operate and configure basic network infrastructure.

This certification will verify that the successful candidate has the knowledge and skills required to implement a defined network architecture with basic network security.

Furthermore, a successful candidate will be able to configure, maintain, and troubleshoot network devices using appropriate network tools and understand the features and purpose of network technologies. Candidates will be able to make basic solution recommendations, analyse network traffic, and be familiar with common protocols and media types.

CompTIA Network+ helps develop a career in IT infrastructure covering troubleshooting, configuring, and managing networks.

Course Modules

• Topologies and the OSI Model
• Ethernet
• Hubs, Bridges, and Switches
• Infrastructure and Design
• Policies and Best Practices
• IP Addressing Internet Protocol
• IPv4 Addressing
• IPv6 Addressing
• Internet working Routing.
• TCP and UDP
• Name Resolution and IPAM
• Monitoring and Scanning
• Network Troubleshooting
• Applications and Security
• Applications and Services
• Virtualization, SAN, and Cloud Services
• Network Security Design
• Network Security Appliances
• Authentication and Endpoint Security
• Operations and Infrastructure
• Network Site Management
• Installing Cabled Networks
• Installing Wireless Networks

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