CompTIA PenTest+

Exam Time: 165 minutes
Number of questions
Exam Type:
Multiple choice and performance-based questions
Pass Mark:
750 out of 900 points

CompTIA PenTest+

CompTIA PenTest+ assesses the most up-to-date penetration testing, and vulnerability assessment and management skills necessary to determine the resiliency of the network against attacks.

The CompTIA PenTest+ certification exam will verify successful candidates have the knowledge and skills required to:

• Plan and scope a penetration testing engagement
• Understand legal and compliance requirements
• Perform vulnerability scanning and penetration testing using appropriate tools and techniques, and then analyze the results
• Produce a written report containing proposed remediation techniques, effectively communicate results to the management team, and provide practical recommendations

PenTest+ is compliant with ISO 17024 standards and approved by the US DoD to meet directive 8140/8570.01-M requirements. Regulators and government rely on ANSI accreditation, because it provides confidence and trust in the outputs of an accredited program.

Over 2.3 million CompTIA ISO/ANSI-accredited exams have been delivered since January 1, 2011.

Top PenTest+ Job Roles
• Penetration Tester
• Security Consultant
• Cloud Penetration Tester
• Web App Penetration Tester
• Cloud Security Specialist
• Network & Security Specialist

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