Exam Time: 60 minutes
Number of questions: 40-60
Exam Type: Multiple choice
Pass Mark: 700 out of 1000 points
Microsoft Azure Fundament als AZ 900
The Microsoft Azure AZ-900 exam is designed for individuals who want to demonstrate their foundational knowledge of cloud services and how Microsoft Azure provides these services. It is an entry-level certification and does not require any prerequisites. This certification is intended for candidates who are just beginning to work with cloud-based solutions and services or are new to Azure.
Introduction to Cloud Computing:
Understanding the fundamentals of cloud computing.
Differentiating between cloud services and traditional on-premises solutions.
Introduction to Microsoft Azure
Overview of Microsoft Azure and its services.
Exploring Azure’s global infrastructure and datacentre regions.
Azure Core Services:
Understanding Azure Compute services, including Virtual Machines, App Services, and Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).
Exploring Azure Storage options like Blob Storage, File Storage, and Azure Disk Storage.
Overview of Azure Networking services, including Virtual Networks, Load Balancers, and VPN Gateway.
Identity, Governance, and Compliance:
Managing Azure Active Directory (Azure AD).
Understanding Azure Governance features like Management Groups, Subscriptions, and RBAC (Role-Based Access Control).
Comprehending Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates.
Security, Privacy, and Compliance Features:
Exploring Azure Security Centre and Azure Policy.
Understanding Azure role-based access control for resources.
Complying with regulatory requirements in Azure.
Azure Pricing and Support:
Understanding Azure subscription options and management groups.
Estimating and optimizing Azure costs.
Exploring Azure support plans and SLAs (Service Level Agreements).
Monitoring, Logging, and Reporting:
Overview of Azure Monitor for monitoring resources.
Understanding Azure Log Analytics and Azure Application Insights.
Azure Solutions and Use Cases:
Identifying common scenarios where Azure services are used.
Selecting the appropriate Azure services based on specific use cases.
Azure Marketplace and Third-Party Services:
Exploring the Azure Marketplace and its offerings.
Integrating third-party solutions with Azure services.